Dental Bonding Near You
Dental bonding, commonly known as “tooth bonding,” is the process of repairing tiny chips and cracks in teeth with soft composite resin. The doctor may mould the composite resin into any form and polish it to any hue because of its malleability. Once the resin has been applied and the doctor is satisfied, they can use a light to “set” the bonding and harden it.
Why Get Dental Bonding?
Bonding can be used to fix spacing issues and cracked teeth. Dental bonding is an excellent approach to repairing a gap, stained or damaged without requiring orthodontic procedures.
Dental bonding is for patients who experience:
- A tooth with a stain that does not change after whitening
- Any chipped tooth or cracked teeth
- Noticeable gaps between teeth
- Worn down enamel
- A tooth that is glaringly different from the others
- Reduced gum tissue
- Improve any stained or discoloured teeth
- Fill in gaps between teeth
- Change the appearance of your teeth for a uniform appearance
- As a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings
Adding tooth-coloured material may often correct one or two misaligned teeth by improving their appearance. This procedure can close spaces between teeth, rotate a protruding tooth, or simply whiten a discoloured area in the centre of a front tooth.
Lifespan of Dental Bonding
Bonding has a shorter lifespan than veneers, yet it may be the better option for a variety of reasons. One benefit of bonding is that it is less expensive and may be completed more quickly (just one office visit). It is a temporary tooth change, though, and may be undone. Because a little portion of the patient’s tooth enamel must be resurfaced, it cannot be removed once the patient receives veneers. Contrarily, bonding is completely reversible and doesn’t alter your natural teeth.
Benefits of Dental Bonding
Your dentist can fix aesthetic issues with dental resin using the dental bonding procedure. Using dental bonding, you may fix teeth that are discoloured, cracked, broken, malformed, or separated by ugly little gaps.
They are constructed of a unique resin that may be coloured to complement or contrast your natural tooth colour. Your dental bond is tailored to have a natural look after application. Dental bonding, as opposed to veneers and dental crowns, is a rapid technique that causes minimum damage to the original tooth structure.
Over your pre-existing dental enamel, dental bonding is applied. To guarantee that the bonding material adheres to the tooth, your dentist will first roughen the enamel on the tooth’s surface with a roughing gel. After that, the tooth will be coated with a conditioning treatment. A resin colour that best complements your smile will be chosen by you and your dentist together. The tooth is then coated with composite resin, which is then shaped. Our dentist will polish and buff the bond to give it a natural gloss once the moulding has dried and been solidified using a special ultraviolet light.
Visit Our Dentist Near You
Do you think that dental bonding could be for you? If you have more questions or are looking to book in for a consultation please feel free to contact us or visit in-person during our opening of operation. Looking forward to hearing from you!